Charli with an "i" (and a B)

So, funny story. My entire life I've been Charli with an i, not an e, because with an e is for a boy according to my dad. Anyway, when I decided back in 2016 to give this writing thing a chance, deciding my author name was a no brainer. I searched Amazon to make sure no one else went by that name in the genres I wanted to write in. When I found nothing but an author, Charlie Rose, who wrote children's books, I decided to go for it. I created my email address and my facebook author page. I procrastinated a few other things. But finally, I'm here. My debut novel is nearly done. I did all the things a responsible indie author is supposed to do --- set up twitter, instagram, reader group, newsletter and website. Then I booked a year's worth of promo under my pen name and linked all my accounts so I can build all my platforms --- a different promo each month and appropriate marketing tips each week.
Two days ago, as I was seeking help in an author group for a problem I was having with my website, someone points out that there's another Charli Rose. She doesn't spell her name like me. She goes by Charleigh Rose, and she has taken the indie romance world by storm in the past year that she's been publishing. I was torn. I didn't know what to do. I had no idea this other author name was out there. And with all the drama that has gone down in the book community with trademarking words and branding, I was literally sick to my stomach. I never want anyone to think I'm trying to ride on the coattails of anyone else's success. Anyone who really knows me won't think that. And I've talked with a lot of people about my author name over the course of the past 2 years. But not knowing what to do, I posted in the same author group asking for advice. The advice I received covered both ends of the spectrum --- leave things alone because the spelling is different and readers can you know, READ, reach out and give her a heads up, add in a middle initial to help differentiate, or drop my name and pick something else.
So, I sat and drafted several messages to Charleigh, trying to find a way to voice what happened and explain that I love my name and I wasn't trying to copy her all while trying to figure out a way to make her not hate me. Before any of my messages were deemed perfect, Charleigh herself chimed in on my post. So, I talked to her. She's awesome. And while she is concerned with potential reader confusion, she was a gem to me. She was sweet and understanding. (She doesn't hate me. shew) Our branding is different, the spelling is different, and I'm going to add my middle initial, B, to my author name to try to help with the potential confusion. I'm also going to make sure my bio and author notes mention that I'm Charli with an "i", not a "leigh", and while I'd love for readers to give me a chance, if they're looking for best-selling Charleigh, I'm not her. I'm just me, Charli with an i.
I realize that I'm going to be climbing a mountain to launch this author career. It's a climb for every indie author. But I have an obstacle that wouldn't exist if I chose something else. Because whenever anyone types my name, "Charli Rose," into Amazon's search engine, Charleigh Rose is going to pop up first because she has earned it. And I thought about it. I'm OK with the climb. Because sometimes things just feel right in your heart and the thought of the alternative makes you heartsick. That's how I feel about my author name.
So, if you managed to read my long-winded post, thank you, and I hope you'll give Charli with an i (and a B) a try when I release. And I also recommend that you give the other Charleigh Rose a try too. She's a great person and deserves your support.